How Much Does Kitchen Cabinet Painting Cost?

Power House Painting and Home Improvement has extensive experience with kitchen and bathroom cabinet painting projects in Yorktown and Williamsburg, Virginia.  We have invested heavily into technology that allows us to get as close to a factory finish without being in a factory.  If you want to learn more about kitchen cabinet painting projects,  we have answered some of our most  FAQ’s here.   Our company gives our customers two options when it comes to kitchen cabinet painting.  The first option is to spray the doors/drawers and use a specialty roller/brush for the kitchen cabinet framework.  The second option, which adds to the final total is to spray the doors, drawers and framework of the cabinets. Each option has pros and cons and during our estimation process we will walk you through what make sense for your project.  Kitchen cabinet painting cost can vary based on final color selections, process and most importantly the quantity of cabinets you have in your kitchen. We have created a pricing system similar to shirt sizes (Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large).  A small kitchen cabinet consists under 35 doors and drawers.  Most of our projects in Yorktown, Virginia are considered medium size.  This means it has 35-45 doors and drawers.  Our video is based on this amount of doors and drawers. A large kitchen consists of appx 45-55 doors/drawers.  An extra large kitchen cabinet paint project consists of approximately 55 or more doors and drawers.  We have done kitchen cabinet painting projects for as low as $4000 and all the way up to $15000.  Below is a breakdown of pricing based on size.

Small Kitchen Painting Project: $4000-$5000

Medium Kitchen Painting Project$4500$6500

Large Kitchen Painting Project: $6500-$9500

Extra Large Kitchen Painting Project: $9500 on up


Watch this video and learn more about our average pricing and how you can keep your cost down.