Bedroom Painting Williamsburg
Power House Painting and Home Improvement is an experienced interior painting company out of Yorktown, Virginia. We service Williamsburg, Virginia and the surround Hampton Roads region. We have completed thousands of interior painting projects and received hundreds of five star reviews. We get asked all the time how much does a single bedroom cost and below we try to answer that question for you. As with all home improvement and painting projects there are thousands of variables that can change the below pricing. With interior painting the biggest variable that changes the below pricing is how much drywall repairs needed to complete the project and how much furniture or personal belongings are in the way to complete the project. The scope of work will also increase or decrease the price. Are you just painting the walls or are you doing ceiling, walls and trim. These choices will impact your cost.
Bedroom Painting Costs
Small Bedroom: $600-$1200
Medium Bedroom: $750-$1500
Large Bedroom: $1250-$2500
Our goal at Power House Painting and Home Improvement is to provide transparent pricing. If you have any questions or would like to get a price on your next interior painting of your bedroom then give us a call at 757-310-2926.