Wood Rot Inspection Williamsburg
Power House Painting and Home Improvement is a leading wood rot specialist in Williamsburg, Virginia. We have completed thousands of wood rot projects in Hampton Roads. We see wood rot in columns, railings, exterior trim, decks, vents and many more surfaces. We can provide wood and composite solutions for you.
Wood Rot Specialists
Have you been walking around your house and you thought, “Man, I might have wood rot.” Well, here’s two easy ways to kind of tell if you have wood rot. The first one is to do a touch. If you go through your doorframe and you start touching it with your finger, or your pen, and you can break through it, and it’s that soft, you know you have wood rot, and it’s time to replace it. What do you do if it’s all the way 30 feet up in the air or on your upper trim? The best way when you’re doing a visual inspection is to look to see if the wood is wavy at all, or unusually dark and black in color. So, those two factors are usually a telltale sign that you have wood rot. Do you want to know why you need to replace I? It will keep the water from coming in the house and doing more damage. It’ll also keep the termites away. So those are the two reasons you want to replace your wood rot.
If you have wood rot and want a cost to replace it please call our office at 757-310-2926 and we would love to help you. If you still have questions about your wood give us a call and we can help provide you with the information you are looking for.