Exterior Painting Company Yorktown Virginia
As an experienced exterior painting company and home improvement company in Yorktown and Williamsburg Virginia we have seen thousands of homes that are falling apart from poor maintenance. Power House Painting and Home Improvement specializes in completing projects that maintain the beauty and integrity of your home. For most of us our home is the greatest asset we have, but unfortunately it can be expensive to fix when problems arise. Our experience in exterior painting and home improvement has shown us that the customers who complete regular exterior maintenance avoid the very large surprise cost when completing repairs. One key part to exterior home maintenance is exterior painting. Read more about the top 4 reasons to keep up on your exterior painting.
Benefits of Exterior Painting
Here are the top reasons why completing exterior painting on a regular schedule is so important when trying to maintain the integrity of your home.
- Exterior painting caulking, scraping, sanding, priming and top coat prevents WOOD ROT.
- When you regularly complete exterior painting it helps prevent wood rot, which then helps avoid structural damage. If you let surface wood rot stay too long on your house the water will then go towards the structure of your home and create thousands more of damage.
- Exterior cleaning and painting prevents termites. Termites love soft damaged wood. Avoid the wood rot and you have a greater chance of avoiding termites.
- Beautification!!! Your house looks beautiful year round.


Exterior Painting Service Yorktown Virginia
Trust us when we say it is a lot cheaper to maintain your home then it is to fix it. If you are thinking about exterior painting please give us a call at 757-210-3544 and we would love to go over all of your options. Proudly serving Yorktown, Virginia.