Wood Rot Repair Yorktown Virginia
Power House Painting and Home Improvement is a custom painting and home improvement company. We have in-house painters and in house carpenters who complete various home improvement projects in Yorktown, Williamsburg, Smithfield and surround Hampton Roads Region. Our bread and butter are wood rot repairs. We do tons of wood rot repairs twelve months of the year. Our experienced carpenters complete various wood rot projects. One question our sales team and our carpenters get weekly is can we splice wood into a door jam? The short answer is yes we can, but the longer answer is no we will not. We have seen to many problems with taking the short cut of splicing wood into a door jam. Below are a few problems we find when we see handyman or homeowners splicing wood into a door jam.
Without Wood Rot Repair
*You lose the structural stability of the frame
*You are not able to see what is behind the door frame to assess for further damage
*Once the splice is complete it will rot again within 12 months and you will be back to the same problem
We know this is not always the answer our clients want to hear, but it is the right answer. So, if we do not splice the wood, what do we do? We replace the entire door/door frame with a new unit. We also order a door jam that has a composite bottom to prevent this from happening in the future. If you have any questions about our wood rot repair service in Yorktown, please give us a call. 757-310-2926.